Street entrance on Calle Obregon No. 5A.
From the street there is only a simple sign that gives any indication of what is in store for the
viewer if they proceed down the long carriageway with bougainvillea covered arches.
Galeria Rincon del Arte, located at Obregon street no. 5a, is part of a building
that belongs to Mrs. Edith Garcia Almada. The entire block, in the nineteenth century,
belonged to the Almada family. Everything in Álamos has a history.
Galeria Rincon del Arte translates into English as the Corner Art Gallery.

The sounds of the street become muffled as peaceful garden grounds invite one in.
As one walks down the mysterious carriageway several sculptures and masks indicate
that this is a gallery that embraces surrealism, modern and contemporary art. The
human form is present. On this hot March 5, 2017 afternoon the grounds were
welcomed cool shade, natural air conditioning at its best.

The shaded courtyard is a gallery-sculpture garden unto itself.
The age, centuries, of these man-made walls became apparent, now supports for
creative hand-made expressions. In the corner a darkened interior is seen
through a wide open doorway. A single light, surrounded by objects of
different shapes and dimensions, beckons.

Lupita making art the old way, by hand.
Once I was inside the single room gallery, Lupita, co-manager with her husband
Tony Estrada Cantúa, came over from working on a clay dove at a small work table, while
talking with an American women who now lives in Álamos, and turned the lights on for me.

The gallery is a modest room but the artwork is anything but.
I must issue a disclaimer: I have been influenced by the likes of Miro, Ernst, Dali, Klee,
Chagall, Klimt, Magritte, Tanguy, Tamayo, Tobey… and the spirits here in the Galeria Rincon
del Arte resonated with my creative soul. This is not a local art gallery, it is a worldly
gallery. One is greeted by many art forms. The room is small but it becomes larger as one
looks. There is art of all creative expression on the floor, tables, cabinets and walls.

Paintings by longtime Álamos residents Roberto Bloor and Margo Findlay.
Anders visited both Roberto Bloor and Margo Findlay during his last visit in the
summer of 1996. Both Roberto and Margo were gracious with their time and their surroundings,
large rooms with high ceilings, were covered with their artworks. It was clear that art was
a calling for these two individuals whose lives impacted many in Álamos.

Many medias are on display by capable artists.
The artists exhibiting at Galleria Rincon del Arte included:
Enrique Aviles Martinez, Luis Martin Lopez Sahagun, Fernado Quiroz, Anadelia Salido,
Bernardete McCalister, Meztli Estrada Montoya, Jerry Rosenfeld, Roberto Bloor,
Margo Findlay, Javier Lopez Ortiz, Lily Sapien, Frank Clement , Rafael Saenz,
Arturo Hernandez, Daan Hoekstra, Ana Bertha Waldez and Angel Luzanilla.
If one was to google any of the artists names there is a good chance you would begin
a colorful stroll down a new art discovery path.

Creative spirits are alive and well presented at Galeria Rincon del Arte.
This is an unusual place. It could be anywhere on the planet where art is challenging,
exciting and important for the gallery owners. Galarie Rincon del Arte is an
international gallery residing in a Spanish Colonial town, off the beaten path, a mere
450 miles from the Arizona-Mexico border. Here the human spirit is on display.

They are there, silent, but with a voice.
Art is in the eye of the beholder, and mystically, in the art’s eyes reflecting on
the viewer. The art here was unexpected but not surprising knowing the
involvement of Tony and Lupita in local and statewide art scenes.

Outside, art is everywhere if one looks closely
In a salute to the surrealistic spirit I give the Galeria Rincon del Arte one hand with
five thumbs up. My visit was cut short because the 2017 Álamos Sonic Expedition
was drawing to a close and there was still much to do around town. I could have easily
spent an afternoon contemplating all that Galeria Rincon del Arte has to offer.
©2017 Anders Tomlinson and Galeria Rincon del Arte, all rights reserved.