Captain Diego Martinez de Hurtaide and his Spanish soldiers venture
into Mayo lands. He and the Mayo agree to a military alliance against
the Yaquis and any other waring Indians. The Mayos and Yaquis
did not get along.
Defeat of Yaqui, peace to all in Cáhita land.
1613 – 1614
Jesuits enter Mayo territory. 1614 – Padre Pedro Méndez leads a group
of missionary priest into Mayo lands. It is thought that the Indians
believed having the priests on their land would protect them from the
diseases that were killing off the indigenous populations.
1613 – 1620
Missions are established around Álamos in southern Sonora.
First Yaqui missions. The Yaqui were converted by Fathers Andrés Pérez
de Ribas and Tomas Basilio. In spite of suffering from uprisings,
revolts, torment and murder the conversion of Sonora was faster and
more entrenched. For the seventeenth century the jesuits expanded and
founded the mission of Yecora Maycoba and in the southwestern part of
what were known as Chinipas.
(Father Andrés Pérez de Ribas wrote a book ” History of Our Holy Faith Amongst
the Most Barbarous and Fierce Peoples of the World.”)
Padre Miguel Godinez founded the missions of San Andrés of
Cornicari and Asunción de Tepahui.
Father Juan Ortiz Zapata with 30 Spaniards – Piedras Verde mining camp
1682 – 1821
Spanish Colonial period.
La Aduana silver. Promotories “La Europa” – Almada. There was already
mining in the region, Real de Minas de Nuestra Se´nora de Guadalupe,
15 miles northwest of Álamos on the Río Mayo between Conicarit and el
Tabelo. Spanish troups protected the miners and the plan was for this
to be the town for both the La Aduana and Conicarit mines. The
reasoning was it would easier to protect one town than two. Miners
would learn the La Aduana mines were richer so many moved to what
would become present day Álamos and settled between the Arroyos Aduana
and Escondida. These miners were fined by the Spanish givernment
because they had disobeyed orders not to move to Álamos.
Álamos begins to grow in size.
1685 – 1686
May 1985 to August, 1686 – Bachiller y Licenciado Pedro de Barcelon was
acting curé. He would continue to serve as an assistant to the
priest. In those days a priest was responsible for both civil and
religious administration.
08-28-1686 – First recorded date and entry in the Parochial Register by
Father Francisco de Carissa, the first Álamos parish priest, reads
“Book in which are entered the Baptisms, Burials and Marriages started
by me on the 28th of August, 1686.”
10-22-1687 – Second recorded entry, Father Carissa writes that his
headquarters have moved to Álamos of the declining population in Real
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
February – Father Kino stops in Álamos for two days Alamos to raise
money for new mission construction in Sonora and the Californias
missions. He successfully established a chain of mission in northern
Sonora and southern Arizona, no doubt with the help of Álamos silver.
On his first visit he wrote, Wealthy gentlemen and merchants are
building at the scene of the rush a real, or mining town, with casas
reales, church and residents ranged around the plaza.”
Tarahumare Indians revolt. Álamos becomes headquarters of Spanish
operations against Indians.
General Andrés de Rezábal with Spanish soldiers, Mayo and Zuaqui
Indians end the Tarahumare uprising.
General Andrés de Rezábal has a watchtower built on “Cerro de la
Compana” – Bell Hill. If Álamos was threatened by Indians a bell
would be rung to warn the town.
Assay office established. Headquarters for long pack trains, as many
as 1000 mules, hauling silver bars to Mexico city two to four times a
year depending on weather.
Real de Guadalupe is seat of all civil – military authority.
First assayer was Spanish Juan Salvador Esquer.
( This is marginal information )
Base for Military operations in the Tarahumara rebellion.
♦ Other Álamos, Sonora Mexico timelines:
This is a work in progress.
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